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CJM - Church or Institutional Membership Form


Please click here to register.

Membership, $50.00 per year (effective for calendar year)

Please send Membership Application Form together with a cheque made payable to:

Canadian Japanese Ministries and send to

Canadian Japanese Ministries

c/o Membership Secretary

PO Box 92124,

Scarborough, ON M1W 2S0

To Our Member Churches

Your church membership is necessary and very valuable to us. Thank you for your fellowship in the Gospel and the joy of ministry together. CJM, as a para-church organization, seeks to cooperate, consult and coordinate with the Japanese evangelical churches in Canada in our common pursuit of evangelism. Our Mission Statement clearly states:

As God envisions and enables, Canadian Japanese Ministries works in cooperation with its membership and affiliated church groups, to encourage, promote and actively engage in endeavours deemed to further the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the Nikkei population of Canada."

Your corporate membership in CJM enables and assures us of your confidence and validates our common bond and purposes in ministry together.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

- Larry Iwamoto, Treasurer & Membership Secretary

- Nori Kanashiro, General Director

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